Is Social Media Anxiety Harming Your Mental Health?
Here's How to Use It in a Healthy Way in 2022
The evolution of social media seems to be never-ending, with online trends passing our feeds at an increasing rate. Those who are a bit older will remember taking food photos and sharing "throwback Thursdays (#tbt)" for months, if not years. Yet today, with algorithms that push for shopping and consumption, videos of dancing teens, and the constant barrage of what appears to be a well-organized and perfect life, our mental health can begin to suffer. We're not saying you have to give up social media forever (unless that's what you want!), but LunaJoy does want you to know how social media can impact your mental health with some tips on how to decrease screen time and other options if you find yourself needing some help.
Before you begin, remember that our professionals are always here to help
Social Media Can Do What?
Most of us know that social media is not the best for us. Our increasing desire for online attention or emotional disconnection (think endless hours of scrolling) has become a replacement for the real-life interactions we need to have a healthy mindset. We may feel anxious, depressed, lonely, dissatisfied, and frustrated. We are bombarded with news and find ourselves doomscrolling. Or we compare our lives to what we see in a one-minute video clip or a highly edited pic. Maybe you have to produce what seems like an endless amount of content to keep being relevant in a flood of users. It's easy to understand how our mental health feels doomed in the age of social media.
Any negative feelings you may be experiencing due to social media usage are real. As we spend more time on the screen, small changes happen to our behaviors that we may not even notice. How often before bed have you said, "I'll stay on only 5 more minutes," which turns into an hour, and now your mind is restless, giving you trouble falling or staying asleep? Or maybe you've felt disconnected from those around you, as social media has started changing how we converse with others.
Tapering Down Your Social Media Usage
At times, it may seem like an impossible thing to cut down on social media. Yet with minor changes, you may find yourself in more "ah-ha" and "wow" moments in your daily life.
Stick to your goals.
Working on a project? Looking for a new job? Learning how to decorate cakes? By looking at your goals, you can begin to unfollow accounts that are not adding benefits to what you are trying to accomplish or build mastery in your life. Limit the number of your goals and focus on what is most meaningful to you now. We all want to cook that fantastic-looking recipe with an ingredient list a mile long, but is it realistic in the here and now?
Set limits.
Again, it's important to be sensible about what you'll be able to accomplish. See what works for you. Maybe you need to go "cold-turkey" and delete certain apps, or perhaps you'll find that setting limits throughout the day help best. Another possibility would be to take whole days off...Hello, mindful weekend! If you don't think you can resist the urge to do it on your own, go into your phone's settings, and you can find ways to set up limits to curb your usage.
How to Use Social Media to Enhance Your Life
Social media can be a positive tool when used with thoughtfulness and care. When you follow accounts aligned with your core values and explore what they are if you need to, you may interact with posts more and increase your network, which has been shown to positively affect mental wellbeing. Or maybe you'll discover that you actually do want to cook that mile-long ingredient list recipe and accomplish it because it wasn't lost in a plethora of "one day I'll get to it" saved posts.
Follow accounts that promote mental health and wellbeing.
Many mental health professionals are turning to social media to give tips to those who need quick, easy access to info that can improve their relationships, parenting skills, and more. LunaJoy's Instagram is a great place to start. While social media can be an excellent mental health resource, be sure that any person or organization you follow for this purpose is accredited or trained in mental wellness. Not to bash influencers, but some things should be left to the professionals; your mental health is one of them.
If you believe you are suffering from social media addiction, depression, anxiety, or your mental health is being impacted in some other way by social media, know that LunaJoy is here to help with our online mental health therapy and counseling services. We specialize in women's issues and can relate to what it's like living in the social media craze. Feel free to take an assessment if you believe you are struggling and are looking for support to escape the ever-present lure of the screen.